
Juice, Honesty Off Menu at Chavez Ravine

So, the latest spin/damage control/tall tale from Dodger high command is that the off-season’s puzzling and depressing maneuvers were really a heroic attempt to keep the Dodger organization (there’s an oxymoron for you) steroid-free.

I guess that explains their dumping of Ross Porter.

Mike Eberts

Los Angeles


How can I possibly drive to Chavez Ravine and plunk down support in the form of hard-earned cash to this administration? McCourt and DePodesta’s mangling of everything Dodger nauseates me. Joey Amalfitano with the San Francisco Giants is disheartening. Is there any hope for us fans bleeding thinning blue blood? Maybe we’re all wrong and Arte Moreno could mend broken baseball souls.

Carlos Gregory Jr.

Los Angeles


Attention, SBC! Either your equipment at Dodger Stadium is faulty or Frank McCourt has not paid the bill. How else do you explain Beltre and Amalfitano still waiting for calls back?


Patricia Thomson

Cheviot Hills


This morning, I finally had an opportunity to listen to the Dodgers’ new radio broadcaster, Charlie Steiner.

Chin-Feng Chen was batting, and here was Steiner’s call: “And he pops it up. [Pause] Waay up! [Pause] And he’s hit out of here for a home run!”

It’s only spring training, but it appears that the Dodgers have replaced Ross Porter with a cross between the deeper voice of Rick Monday (albeit with superior diction) and the observational acumen of Jerry Doggett.


Peter Rich

Los Angeles
