
Composer Jorge Drexler and the ‘SLAM’ Test

Paulo Prada’s criticism of the Academy Awards program for not letting Jorge Drexler perform his own winning song (Commentary, March 2) missed a more noteworthy point: In introducing the song, Salma Hayek outrageously called Ernesto “Che” Guevara, the subject of “The Motorcycle Diaries,” an idealist. That’s a funny word for a totalitarian killer who helped set up Cuba’s repressive state.

Sheldon Richman

Conway, Ark.


Prada advocates the “Standard for Latino Authenticity in Media,” or “SLAM” test, under which no jive, mainstream star of Latino heritage may be substituted on an awards show for a genuine Uruguayan not well known in this country. Hopefully, he will soon turn his energies to the rescue of the French language from the dastardly clutches of Beyonce, who, despite the accent in her name, is decidedly American. And to help keep the record straight, Cate Blanchett is not from Connecticut, Thomas Haden Church is not an alcoholic and no one actually died during the filming of “Million Dollar Baby.” There’s no point in SLAMing Hollywood for what it does best -- pretending.

Lisalee Anne Wells

Long Beach
