
Dean Is Tops With the Democratic Base

Re “Shout It Out, Howard, We’re Listening,” Opinion, June 26: I’m with Jim Edmunson of Oregon: Thank goodness for Howard Dean. As your paper has pointed out, in the last election the Republicans mobilized their base while the Democrats essentially took theirs for granted and tried to reach out for will-o’-the-wisp “swing voters” no matter how many compromises they had to make to do so.

That has a lot to do with why the Republicans completely control the federal government, and why so many voters told exit-poll-takers that even though they didn’t always agree with President Bush, at least they knew where he stood and admired him for the courage of his convictions.

I’d much rather have Dean as the chairman of my party than one of the Democratic Leadership Council’s invertebrates who keep clinging to the namby-pamby “swing voter” strategy that keeps alienating our base (or putting it to sleep) and costing us elections.


Mark Gabrish Conlan

San Diego
