
Coming Up Short: Bush and Military Recruits

Re “Military Behind in Recruits,” June 12: The inability of the military to meet its recruiting numbers simply tells us just how much the American public believes in the war in Iraq. The majority of our citizens do not believe in dying for a war we were lied into. No matter how much President Bush attempts to distort the facts with his patriotic rhetoric, more and more reasonable citizens are drawing the right conclusion: This war is founded on a pack of lies, and our president has gone beyond compromising our credibility; we will no longer willfully abet him!

Michael Alviar

Long Beach


“Joining Up to Dodge a Dead End” (June 8) made me realize how much Bush has done for the economy. With each successive invasion, he has created new opportunities for employment in the military to replace the hundreds of thousands of jobs lost during his administration. And although the numbers who go hungry in California may have tripled (“Chronic Hunger Is a Growing Problem in California, Study Finds,” June 8), employment in the military guarantees three meals a day. It only remains to find another country or two to attack, but our president is up to the task. I never realized until I read the Column One how much I loved Big Brother.

Phillip Good

Huntington Beach
