
Demographics Win Out Over Quality Television

Regarding “It’s Out With the Old as CBS Cancels 4 Shows” (May 19), I’d like to ask CBS Chairman Leslie Moonves to please take a look in the mirror. Regarding the cancellation of the show “Joan of Arcadia,” which I proudly costume-designed both seasons, it was a quality show with a quality cast and crew.

The Friday-night-at-8 time slot dictated who was able to watch the show. No amount of fantasizing will transform gray-haired ladies into attractive 20-year-olds at 8 on Friday night. Goodbye, Joan, and God help television.

Christine Peters

Los Angeles


I am thoroughly disappointed that once again blacks and Latinos are highly underrepresented on this new crop of television shows. Are the networks saying that blacks and browns are not marketable?


It’s hurtful and sad. If the community of creators cannot find a way to make the WB look like the rest of America, then we as a nation are truly in trouble.

Jermaine Shoulders

