
Humor in the Mommy realm

Re the letter “A Mom’s Job Is No Laughing Matter,” printed May 26 and written by Joan K. Peters regarding Chris Erskine’s article “Father Knows Less” [May 5]:

In my opinion Ms. Peters needs (1) a mommy timeout, (2) to stop taking herself so seriously and (3) to find at least one thing a day in her world to laugh about (preferably Erskine’s Thursday columns) so she won’t walk around her life so humorless.

If Ms. Peters needs Mother’s Day shown with “enough appreciation of the seriousness of domestic work that men acknowledge their need to participate in it,” then I really feel sorry for her man who not only has to pitch in to help her around the house but also won’t have fun doing it.


I hope Ms. Peters found all the accolades and nods to her serious housecleaning skills on Mother’s Day that she needed to feel satisfied. I, for one, found all the giggles I needed in Erskine’s column to remind me of the silly and fun world I live in everyday as a wife and mother! Kudos to Erskine, and go have some fun loading the dishwasher.

Camile L. Coyne

Long Beach


The woman whose letter says Erskine’s “Father Knows Less” piece “backfires badly” needs to lighten up. Far from a put-down of mothers, I thought it showed great appreciation for the domestic jobs done by his wife. Of course, not all men are inept in household matters. I doubt Erskine is either. It’s called exaggeration. He is a humorous writer, after all. My husband is quite capable of taking care of our home and children when I go away, but the piece still gave us both quite a chuckle.

Susan Hamersky

Woodland Hills
