
High School Journalist Shows Bravery, Integrity

Re “High School Journalist Faces Firing,” Jan. 26:

Bravo to Troy High School student Ann Long for showing bravery and integrity in writing and standing by her story of three gay students coming out. The backlash from the Fullerton Joint Union High School District, threatening to remove her, is indicative of the Orwellian Big Brother mentality in government, which appears to have surgically removed the spine of much of America’s mainstream media. The journalism teacher displayed negligence in not knowing or failing to inform Long of the law regarding minors getting permission from the parents for their children to discuss their sexuality. I commend Long for writing a story and standing by it. The mainstream media could and should learn a thing or two from Miss Long.

Jason Stinnett



Something tells me nobody’s ever gotten canned for identifying a student as heterosexual.

Amy Alkon

Santa Monica
