
Ticket Prices Keeping Moviegoers at Home

Theater owners have got to get their heads out of the sand and realize that people are not staying away from movie theaters this year because the movies are only so-so and DVD rentals are eating their market share (“Theater Owners Fired Up Over Iger’s Comments,” Aug. 19).

Who wouldn’t rather watch a movie on a 30-foot-tall screen as opposed to a TV at home, even with stereo sound? But the price of movie tickets and concession items are ridiculously overpriced.

The last movie I paid to see was “Batman Returns,” which was very good, but the two hours it took to watch it were not worth the $10 ticket, $3 Coke and $2 parking.


With the price of gasoline, groceries and other necessities on the rise, the value of Netflix or even a $3 rental from Blockbuster cannot be beat -- unless theater owners lower their prices.

Daniel Watts

Sherman Oaks
