
What it means for gay couples to have kids

Re “Court Affirms Gay Couples’ Parental Status,” Aug. 23

The phrasing of your reporting is somewhat dubious. Referring to recent court rulings, you state that “children born to gay couples have two legally recognized parents.” Children born to gay couples? Really! Even though the article goes on to explain the various complicated, unnatural ways two same-sex partners attempt to conceive “together,” most of us know that this is physically impossible.

No matter how confused or ignorant the judges are, it is an incontrovertible fact that male sperm and female ova in combination are required to produce a baby, no matter how involved the same-sex partner may be otherwise.


Redondo Beach


Finally, the California Supreme Court shows our state that same-sex couples and their children are virtually equal to their heterosexual counterparts, except in marriage. Now, right-wing extremists want to constitutionally ban same-sex marriage and eliminate all the rights and obligations of domestic partnerships.


These extremists do not seem to understand the legal, financial and psychological harm they can inflict upon thousands of families in this state. Do they not understand that same-sex couples are breaking the stereotype of gay people by settling down and raising a family and living the American dream?


Pacific Palisades
