
Public opinion begins to shift on war in Iraq

Re “War Could Pivot on U.S. Hearts and Minds,” Aug. 21

Your article presented a good analysis on the shifting support for the war but with one glaring exception: You claim there is a “debate over whether Saddam Hussein’s regime had any link to the Sept. 11 attacks.” What debate are you referring to? Did I not read in The Times that the 9/11 commission found no working relationship between Al Qaeda and Iraq?

The article fosters the notion that intelligent people have not come to a conclusion on the issue, when they have. Sounds a lot like the debate about intelligent design versus evolution -- only the knuckleheads think there is something to talk about.


San Bernardino


I watched President Bush give a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and I’m truly disgusted (Aug. 23). How Bush has gotten away with this illegal and immoral war is mind-boggling. Why doesn’t the press investigate the Bush administration’s true intentions? Has the wool been pulled over everyone’s eyes, or are the American people just numb and apathetic? The main question is: Who is making a profit from this war? I know someone at The Times has the fortitude to investigate this tragedy.



Rancho Palos Verdes
