
Missing the point on war mom’s vigil

The unrelenting assault upon Cindy Sheehan for speaking against the war continues with David Gelernter’s absurd speculations about Casey Sheehan’s thoughts on his mother’s conduct (“Who speaks for Casey Sheehan?” Opinion, Aug. 19).

The obsession with slandering and silencing Cindy Sheehan fills the vacuum where reason should be in responding to her arguments against the Iraq war.

The media, including Gelernter, may be obsessed with personality, as Jonathan Chait laments (“Moral authority on a slippery slope,” Opinion, Aug. 19), but discussion of American policy remains a fundamental right granted by our Constitution.


Gelernter completely fails to address the issues that Sheehan raises.


San Francisco


Gelernter misses the point of Sheehan’s vigil. Sheehan does not want to give President Bush a lecture on America’s sin. Rather, she asks a rhetorical question on behalf of all who oppose the Iraq war: What is the noble cause for which Casey Sheehan sacrificed his life?

Bush has no answer for that question. His war is about U.S. control over Middle East oil fields.

Cindy Sheehan is providing courageous leadership against an unjust war. Perhaps her courage will permit the Democratic Party to find its voice and join her in asking Bush some hard questions about the debacle in Iraq.



San Diego


The first protest of the Vietnam War consisted of a couple of dozen people picketing the White House. In similar fashion, the Cindy Sheehan vigil rings out loud and clear the beginning of the end of the futile and ill-conceived Iraq war.

Mr. Bush, are you listening? Are you there? Is anyone there?


Del Mar, Calif.
