
More on the Bill Cosby Debate

What an unfortunate shame that both writer Erin Aubry Kaplan and professor Michael Eric Dyson don’t seem to understand what Bill Cosby has passionately expressed (“These People,” July 24). From my perspective, Cosby cares deeply about his “people,” and he’s frustrated and embarrassed by the bad, uneducated behavior exhibited by many of his brethren. Sometimes when we care and are frustrated, emotions come out as anger, and we scold and lash out . . . it’s that simple.

I admire Cosby’s courage in this world of political correctness, where the majority of people are afraid to criticize certain groups for fear of being labeled racist. Sheesh, let’s all be more critical of one another and have higher standards so that we can aspire to be more civilized as a nation. What a great idea.

Anne Wilder

Santa Barbara


I understand Cosby’s level of frustration, but I would urge him to broaden his understanding of the predicament we find ourselves in and consider the effect of his comments on his people.


Richard Robinson III

Woodland Hills
