
Get That Golfer Off the Front Page

After being a subscriber for more years than I want to acknowledge, I think I have finally seen it all when it comes to the decisions you make when it comes to editing your newspaper.

This morning, as I was leaving the house, I thought I’d grab the sports page to catch up on Tiger Woods and the Deutsche Bank golf tournament.

I wasn’t able to read about the tournament, because all I got was a “tease” on the front page of sports directing me to Part A1. Will someone please explain to me the importance of Tiger Woods making the front of the first section just because he lost his reign of 264 weeks as the No. 1 player in the world?


With all the major national stories, as well as some local stories, that deserve front-page coverage, why take a golf story and move it out of its element?

Also, to make matters worse, you didn’t list the final-round scores. Or maybe those results were in the Calendar section. I’ll have to go back and check.

Richard Whorton

Valley Village


People need to stop crying over the demise of Tiger Woods’ No. 1 ranking. It was bogus anyway. If a boxer dominates all opponents over the course of two years, and wins a world title, then gets his head beat in, loses the title, and gets pounded over the next few fights, is he still champion? Tiger hasn’t played like No. 1 for almost two years. Get over it.


Dan Jensen

San Clemente
