
Placing Blame for the Missing Iraq Explosives

Re “White House Downplays Missing Iraq Explosives,” Oct. 26: President Bush is running as a war president. What he doesn’t seem to remember is that we wouldn’t be in a war if it were not for him. We wouldn’t be despised by millions if it weren’t for his head-in-the-sand attitude. Now thousands of pounds of explosives are missing?

He will not be responsible for any of this; some other poor boob will get the blame, as in everything else that has gone wrong with this war.

Ardyce Martin



The sad thing is that it’s no surprise. The Bush administration’s incompetence is once again on display for the world.


To fail to protect the tons of explosives the International Atomic Energy Agency warned it to protect -- both before and after the invasion -- is an outrage with consequences paid in human life.

Regardless of whether or not you supported the decision to invade, this administration’s failure to plan for and administer the “peace” in Iraq has made failure there tragically predictable rather than one of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s “unknowables.”

Nick Gilhool

Los Angeles


Nearly 380 tons of explosives disappear from an Iraq weapons cache -- perhaps we can buy them back.


Robert Matano

