
More Disturbing CIA Information on 9/11

Re “The 9/11 Secret in the CIA’s Back Pocket,” Commentary, Oct. 19: I am sickened by the continuing arrogance and hypocrisy of the Bush administration. Now we learn that a CIA report that was mandated almost two years ago is being suppressed by the administration until after the election because “it is potentially very embarrassing for the administration.” It is belittling to me as a U.S. citizen to have the truth withheld. It is even worse than “managing” the war in Iraq until after the elections.

Karl Strandberg

Long Beach


Re Robert Scheer’s column about the CIA being forced to withhold more damning evidence about top Bush administration people sleeping during the 9/11 threats: Didn’t we already get this from former Bush official Paul O’Neill? What could be worse than O’Neill’s assertion that the Bush administration wouldn’t take the terrorist attack threat seriously? Can it be worse? Considering the polls favoring Bush for the upcoming election, Bush could kiss Osama bin Laden on national television and Karl Rove could spin it into a punch in the face.

Jim Hoover

Huntington Beach
