
Boycott Call Grows Over Plan to Air Anti-Kerry Film

Democrats stepped up their attacks on Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. on Tuesday, urging supporters to call Sinclair stations and their advertisers to complain about Sinclair’s plans for a preelection airing of “Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal,” a film attacking Sen. John F. Kerry’s antiwar activities 30 years ago.

As calls for a boycott multiplied, a number of liberal websites reported that a handful of local companies, in cities including Minneapolis and Columbus, Ohio, had pulled their ads from the local Sinclair stations.

Sinclair did not return calls, nor did several national advertisers targeted by the boycott.


One, Baltimore-based Sylvan Learning Center, released a statement saying the company was “a nonpartisan organization.” It added, “Our advertising strategy is designed to reach our customers and is in no way supportive of any political party or agenda.” The company did not address whether it had withdrawn its ads.

The Democratic National Committee filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission charging that the airing would be an illegal in-kind campaign contribution. A group of 18 Democratic senators, led by Dianne Feinstein of California, asked the Federal Communications Commission to investigate.

Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a powerful force in telecommunications issues, called on the FCC to “act quickly to ascertain whether such content and such conduct by a broadcaster conforms with the law.”


The FEC and FCC declined to comment. Neither is expected to act before the film airs late next week.
