
Traffic Improvement Plans Are Always Botched

Re “Hahn Unveils Plan to Speed Traffic Flow,” Oct. 5: Synchronizing the traffic signals is a good idea if the fools who run City Hall even know what the word means. That part doesn’t bother me all that much. It’s the “more traffic cops” and “aggressive parking enforcement” that really interest me.

I am all for making the traffic move, but so far everything this mayor of ours comes up with, whether it is his own idea or stolen from somebody else, is never implemented the correct way. There is never enough money to make it work the way it should. At least that is the same old excuse we hear over and over every time something like this comes along.

Bruce Roberts

Van Nuys


If you want to do something to have traffic flow smoother and faster, make the major streets one way in opposite directions. For example, Olympic and Pico boulevards; Third Street and Beverly Boulevard; Western and Vermont avenues and many, many more.


Andrew E. Woodward

Los Angeles
