
Off-roaders are tree-huggers... and people-persons too

Regarding “Dust-Up in Baja” [Nov. 16], on the Baja 500: The article makes off-roaders out to be a bunch of Earth-hating environment destroyers. The truth is the majority of off-roaders are much more respectful of the environment than the talentless clowns that write about them.

Jeff Polley

Lake Arrowhead

You attack a group you know nothing about. I invite you to come out and watch a race, meet up with some teams and talk with them. They don’t do it for the money; a lot of these teams do it for the camaraderie.

Corey Schafer

Aliso Viejo

Editor’s note: Birders are atwitter over a quote that appeared in “Bighorn Barrier” (Nov. 16) about how human activities affect wildlife. A sampling of their reaction appears on Page 7.
