
A New Editorial on the Same Old Iran

“Crisis Reflects a New Iran” (editorial, Dec. 30) lauds the “new” Iran because it was so quick to ask for international help after the earthquake. That just shows it has smartened up enough not to turn away carloads of euros and dollars. The new Iran looks a lot like the old Iran to me, because the one country (which it doesn’t even recognize) forbidden to help is the “Zionist entity.” Add to that its vast underground facilities for nuclear weapons development and the funneling of arms and funds to Hezbollah and I wonder what is it about the new Iran The Times is so fond of.

Judd Silver



Your conclusion that “the victims and survivors, not political hatreds, are coming first” is clearly wrong in that Iran has refused aid from Israel, arguably experts in helping victims in disasters. The Iranian leaders also stated on Dec. 30 that accepting aid from the U.S. implied no thaw in relations. What, exactly, was the point of your editorial? The Iranian government still fosters terrorism and advocates the complete annihilation of a United Nations member state.

Jonathan Matthew

Agoura Hills
