
Selling Out the City in Name of the City

Re “What’s in a Name? For L.A., Money,” Feb. 25: Well, the day is finally here. It’s bad enough we have to spit out a corporate name every time we refer to our local team’s sports arena -- Staples, Compaq, Arco, America West, you get the picture. Now we have the opportunity to auction off our city’s name to the highest bidder? And even more, our children will have greater access to sodas on public property like the parks, meaning greater access to diabetes and obesity, yeah! We fought so hard to get them out of our schools and now you’re going to put them in our parks.

This is outrageous. I’m sure there are more creative ways to address the $250-million debt ... like the City Council posing for a swimsuit calendar, issuing a limited edition of City Council-member poseable dolls; how about selling “I (heart) L.A.” apparel? Britney Spears Plaza and Coca-Cola parks are too easy, and you know what Mom says about those easy ways out ... they’ll come back to bite ya!

Susan Chivaratanond

Los Angeles
