
The Disease Threat Among Porn Actors

Re “State, County May Require Condoms in Adult Films,” April 20: While wearing condoms will clearly reduce risk for porn actresses and actors (condoms reduce the risk of acquiring HIV by 85% per year of use), they will not really provide great protection for many diseases.

Condoms do not appear to reduce the transmission of HPV, the virus that is linked with more than 90% of all cervical cancer. They also reduce the risk of many other diseases by approximately 50% (e.g., gonorrhea and chlamydia). However, because of the high number of contacts, and the high number of different partners, it is almost certain that all of these actors will contract multiple sexually transmitted infections. Since approximately 85% of all STIs are contracted without the infected person having any symptoms, it is likely that these actors are spreading disease frequently.

The only way to decrease the risk is to reduce the number of contacts, and the frequency of intercourse, unless it is in a monogamous relationship.


John R. Whiffen MD



If performers in the pornography business contract HIV through unprotected sex, that’s a shame. What is also a shame is that our taxes will pay for the healthcare of those infected and the enforcement of condom use when I’d rather have taxes go to our schools. If the porn industry threatens to leave California rather than help stop the spread of HIV by using condoms, I have two words, “See ya!”

Steve Bowerman

Sherman Oaks
