
U.S. Doing What It Must at Guantanamo

Re “Not on Our Best Behavior,” Opinion, April 11: Ben Ehrenreich seems amazed at the lack of U.S. public outcry regarding the “alleged” abuses being carried out by our military personnel against detainees being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. This lack of outcry is to be expected. On 9/11, this country was attacked in a cowardly, brutal manner, an act of aggression that makes the Pearl Harbor “event” seem like a drive-by shooting. Though the detainees at Guantanamo were most probably not directly involved in the 9/11 attacks, they surely cheered the outcome. Americans don’t ask about the conditions of those detainees being held by the U.S. because silence is consent.

I applaud the current administration for having the courage to do what needs to be done to elicit enemy intelligence from detainees who are not classified as prisoners of war.

Richard A. Bowen

Aliso Viejo
