
Recall: the Process, the Politics and the People

“Why the Recall Is Wrong” (editorial, Sept. 28) does not address the fact that a recall is part of the state Constitution. If a recall is wrong, then amend the Constitution. Do not whine that it is “undemocratic.” You also claim that replacing Gov. Gray Davis will “invite more political chaos and economic uncertainty.” Then you really stretch reality by claiming that “the state and the nation could look forward to more recalls.”

There have been many attempts to recall governors in this state, but so far the only one that has gotten this far was supported by voters who are fed up with the incompetent Davis and want a change. If Davis was doing his job as governor rather than concentrating on raising funds for the next election, we would not have a recall.

Joel Mascitelli

Corona del Mar


I agree wholeheartedly with your editorial. Californians have been swept away by the intense coverage of the recall election by television, which defines it as a race between personalities. It makes us forget that we have the option of voting either yes or no and ignoring the gaggle of disparate candidates. It is easy to get caught up in the media’s hullabaloo over movie stars and gadflies. Very little has been said about the recall as a process. Of course, that wouldn’t boost the ratings on Larry King, Oprah Winfrey or the like. Forget about jobs, taxes, deficits, Davis and sound bites. It’s about the method itself. It is unfair, undemocratic and so whimsical that it jeopardizes the stability of governance. I’m voting no on the process.


Chase Webb

Branscomb, Calif.


Your “no on the recall” endorsement points out that Davis thinks he has a vision, but he cannot persuade others to implement it. The state is being overrun by special-interest groups that need to be reined in. Why let California continue down a destructive path for three more years? What we need now is leadership, not a proficient fund-raiser. Arnold Schwarzenegger lacks experience, but he has a vision: to balance the budget and return businesses to California. Many Californians believe if he is given a chance, he will use his leadership qualities and the recall mandate to persuade the Legislature to change the dangerous course it is on, or face a similar rejection by the electorate.

Judd Frank

Laguna Niguel


To those voters who think that electing Arnold will solve the state’s problems: Note that he will have a very resentful Democratic majority in both the Assembly and Senate, and at least half the Republicans will resent him for hijacking their party. It’s dreamland to believe that he will accomplish anything except precipitating another recall in six months.

Ron Emerling



I think the best man for the job is our governor, Davis. He’s not perfect, but he’s better than the other candidates. It’s just too bad that we had to spend $66 million to find this out.


Annie Lloyd

Culver City


If Davis defeats the recall, the state taxpayers will be required to reimburse him for the costs of his campaign to remain in office. Is it really worth taking another $20 million or so from other programs for the “privilege” of keeping him as governor?

Gary Osheroff



Democrats and other progressives must not sit out this election or throw away our votes on some also-ran. That is just what the right wing wants. We do not need a Republican Schwarzenegger or Tom McClintock as governor helping President Bush’s reelection effort next year. Voting no on the recall and then voting for Bustamante is the only way to stop that scenario.

Arthur Raoul Arroyo

San Francisco


Re “An Ethos Developed in the Gym,” Sept. 29: It is incredible to me that anyone would vote for Schwarzenegger. I am doubly angry that The Times has featured him on the front page almost every day for weeks. You are legitimizing this phony. He claims that he lied about his sexual exploits, but he’s lying about lying. Do we really want to hand this “actor,” who is acting off camera more effectively than on, the power to control the future of this state? There is no reason to trust him. His only noteworthy attribute is his willfulness. If he wins, is that an instance of the “triumph of the will”?


Lewis Ellenhorn



Re your Sept. 28 article about McClintock making conservative friends across the nation: He’ll certainly need them after his selfish campaign, financed by Cruz Bustamante’s Indian casino allies, puts Bustamante in charge of this state. McClintock already had accepted contributions from the gambling billionaires. Now he’s silently accepted a flood of television and radio commercials in his behalf paid for by the Indian casinos. The casinos are using McClintock to siphon votes from Schwarzenegger, who wants them to pay taxes just as other individuals and businesses do. McClintock apparently is willing to destroy California because of his petty personal feuds.

Charles K. Sergis



Regarding “H. Ross McClintock,” editorial cartoon, Commentary, Sept. 27: Apparently Michael Ramirez has joined the ranks of the country club Republicans who have abandoned principle in the name of putting forward a candidate they believe can win. My vote belongs to me; it does not belong to any political party. On Oct. 7, I will vote my conscience and vote for the candidate who best expresses my values and beliefs. Let the chips fall where they may, and may the best man win.

Kieley D. Jackson

Studio City


Anyone notice the flood of Schwarzenegger movies on TV the past week or so? Could Hollywood be helping Ah-nold?

Al Garner

Laguna Woods
