
Policies and Principles Behind the Recall Ballot

Re “Schwarzenegger Becomes the GOP’s Green Candidate,” Sept. 7: Arnold Schwarzenegger’s sudden rush to retrofit his gas-guzzling Hummer is insulting to environmentally minded voters. What record does he have to convince voters he is sincere and not just an environmentalist-sounding Johnny-come-lately opportunist?

If voters want a real green governor, they need look no further than Green Party candidate Peter Camejo. His long environmental record reflects both intelligence and integrity to support his proposals to offer the state sound environmental solutions: promoting alternative energy, like solar power; developing a socially just, sustainable economy; and advancing protections for critical habitat, like our irreplaceable old-growth forests. Readers can visit his Web site:

Linda Piera-Avila

Santa Monica


I received my Official Voter Information Guide, where the theme is that my vote counts. My vote has never counted less. Last year 8 million voters went to the polls and Gov. Gray Davis was elected by a majority. Three months later, a wealthy member of the opposing party dedicated nearly 2 million of his own dollars to buy a recall with about 1.6 million signatures. Now, in October, we will have an election in which a new governor could be elected by about 15% of the expected 3 million people who might bother to vote. That’s 450,000 people, rather than the 4 million who put Davis in office.


Whether you are Republican or Democrat -- wake up, people. You are letting elections be bought and paid for in this state, and I damn well know that my vote does not count.

Judith Downey

Apple Valley


Those who believe that the 2002 gubernatorial election should not be able to be undone by recall should think about it a second time. As long as there is one-party rule in California, as there is now with the Democratic Party, citizen recalls and referendums are needed as checks and balances on powerful and unaccountable leaders.

Should the current recall effort fail, this might be the last hurrah for the Republican Party in California for quite some time. In which case, history is replete with lessons of what happens with unchecked power. Mention should also be made of Switzerland, which changes presidents every year and often decides major policy issues such as tax increases by referendum.


Wayne Lusvardi



Re “Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Get Driver’s Licenses Is Signed,” Sept. 6: I want to thank Davis for helping me make up my mind to vote “yes” in the recall election. I read very carefully the statement that he made after he signed the bill allowing illegal immigrants to get driver’s licenses -- and the one after he vetoed the same bill less than a year ago.

Apparently, Davis is willing to do anything just to hang on to his job, even selling out our national security. A man who can’t stand on a principle he believes in and only cares about his own interest does not deserve to lead this great state of California.

Wencheng Lin

Hacienda Heights
