
Official’s Olympics Trip Aided Compton College

Re “Perks Bring D.A. Probe at College,” Aug. 31: As president of Compton Community College, I was authorized by the board of trustees to attend the 2000 Olympics because I was a member and delegate of the Los Angeles 2012 Olympic Bid Committee. I made anticipated contacts with international track and field officials, coaches and corporate sponsors. I discussed with them their potential participation in organizing future international track and field meets at the new Compton College track and field facility on which I had been working since 1997. Participation in international Olympic events is key to staging world-class track meets.

I personally raised over $1 million in private-sector funds for the track and field facility (now completed). Working with a California legislator, I obtained another $1 million to renovate the stadium. Neither had been upgraded since their construction in 1953. I plan to bring international track and field competition back to Compton, similar to the very popular Compton Invitational track meets of the ‘50s and ‘60s. These resulted in bringing pride and financial resources to the college and community.

Being an Olympian enables me to become involved in numerous ongoing Olympic activities that serve to enhance the college by providing it with important resources.


Ulis Williams


Compton Community College
