
Have Your Library Get the Book You Want

On two days (Aug. 27 and Aug. 29) you published letters complaining about a lack of books in local libraries. Anyone going to even a very large, well-stocked library has a good chance of not finding the particular book he or she is looking for. I don’t have that problem. I don’t expect my local branch to necessarily have the book or tape I want. I use the online catalog, look through all the books, tapes, CDs, DVDs, etc., in the entire L.A. city library system, put a hold on what I want and get it delivered to the branch at which I want to pick it up.

If I don’t ask for something that just hit the bestseller list, I get it in a couple of days; otherwise, it may take longer. The point is, instead of complaining that I can’t browse through a few books, I can actually browse through a huge selection. Use your computer. (If you do not have one, you can find one at your local library.)

Susan Silvera

