
Schwarzenegger’s Proposed Cutbacks Hit at the Weak

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has climbed into his Hummer and driven California even deeper into debt, reintroducing surplus-year car tax refunds in a year of staggering deficits. It didn’t take long to find out who was going to pay for it, either: schoolkids, the elderly and the sick (Nov. 25).

Does the governor really believe that more cars and worse schools will revitalize California ... or is the GOP just throwing another tax-cut kegger? Come on, California, like Herr Schwarzenegger says: “Go buy a kaa!” Then take a ride past the hospital that’s turning away patients, the public school where teachers have to ration copy paper and the burning forests where firefighters will be laid off.

Pass me the recall petition.

Toby Muller

South Pasadena


I am so angry I find it hard to organize my thoughts. While Assemblyman Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) tells us the governor’s cuts are a “necessary pain” we must all endure to cure the “cancer growing on our budget,” I can’t help but think the majority of us are not going to feel any pain at all when foster kids, the disabled and old folks are left out in the cold.


Talk about cynical. If this is really a mess we are all in together, then let’s be in it together, not just borrow ourselves silly or pull the rug out from under those without the clout to fight back.

Judith Dancoff

Los Angeles


Cut! Cut! Cut! So who says that being governor has nothing to do with making movies?

Daniel Barkley



During his campaign to unseat Gov. Gray Davis, Schwarzenegger promised a “fantastic job” for every Californian. He promised to maintain his “passion” for the well-being of children. His concern for education was another “passion.”

Now comes the ugly truth of this governor’s plan. Assemblyman Ken Maddox (R-Garden Grove) extolled the governor for “setting priorities and implementing a vision.” Hardly.


One can only watch with despair the weakening of the social contract and the destruction of policies that define common human decency.

Ruth Caper

Los Angeles


The governor may attempt to repeal recent legislation that allows families owning cars worth more than $4,650 to get food stamps, saying that repealing it would save the state $630,000.

Many other states with Republican governors have realized the value of expanding food stamp eligibility. Food stamps have proven to have a “multiplier” economic effect -- $5 of food stamps generates $9 in economic activity. Scaling back food stamp eligibility will hurt families, and it will also hurt California grocers.


Frank Tamborello

L.A. Coalition to End

Hunger & Homelessness

Los Angeles


Regarding the proposed $15-billion bond issue: It appears that we shameless freeloaders are not satisfied with pouring the nation’s red ink on our children. Now we are about to dump California’s red ink on them. We are the people enjoying the benefits of California’s government. Why not pay for them?

Let’s summon a little pride. Let’s show a little appreciation for the privilege of living in this wonderful climate. Let’s raise our taxes.

Alexander M. Mood



May I suggest a remedy for the budget crisis in our golden state? Politicians seem to be extremely good at fund-raising. Why not have a fund-raiser for the $15 billion that the state needs to get through the budget crisis? People will willingly contribute, I am sure. It sure beats taxation. Everyone will be happy, and the state’s problems will be resolved without raising taxes or having a bankruptcy-inducing bond sale.

Monali Khandagle

Van Nuys
