
Judge grants credit for ‘Die’

Under orders from a federal judge, distributors of the film “Die Mommie Die!” are at least temporarily giving credit to playwright Charles Casillo for the story and play that he says was the inspiration for the movie.

U.S. District Judge Terry Hatter issued a temporary restraining order Friday against distribution of the film without the credits. The movie opened Friday in 10 U.S. theaters. Placards crediting Casillo have been posted in the lobbies, and posters and print ads have been revised to mention Casillo.

Casillo contends that the film is based on his play “One Night Stand in a Lonely Hotel.” Attorneys for the movie’s writer, Charles Busch, producer Aviator Films and distributor Sundance Film Series are opposing the Casillo credits in papers that were scheduled to have been filed Monday, and the judge has set a hearing for Friday.


-- Don Shirley
