
‘Producers’ is excessive? No wonder

WOW! I was amazed to read Reed Johnson’s review of “The Producers” (“ ‘Producers’ Who Work Too Hard,” May 30), since I saw the same production at the Pantages Theatre on May 3. He cites the Mel Brooks musical as being “Borscht Belt-style” and displaying “over-the-top” humor.

Please tell me this is not the same Mel Brooks who brought us the artistic flatulence scene from “Blazing Saddles.” Or the same Mel Brooks who created the song-and-dance extravaganza to the Spanish Inquisition in “History of the World: Part 1.” Mel Brooks over the top? Thank goodness!

After countless musicals that left me more depressed after I left the theater, what a jewel “The Producers” is. I laughed out loud for 2 1/2 hours.


Jeff Gehringer

Los Alamitos
