
Readers recommend

Ireland: Working farm

Dillanes Farm House, Listowel Road, Doonard, Tarbert, County Kerry; 011-353- 68-36242, Hosts Thomas and Mary Dillane offer excellent accommodations on a working farm. Five minutes to the town center, where there are good restaurants and pubs, and the Shannon River ferry. Thomas performs traditional Irish music on request on a variety of instruments.” Doubles, with bath, $66 with breakfast.

Chris Reeves

Anaheim Hills

Louisiana: On the bayou

Woodland Plantation, 21997 Hwy. 23, West Pointe a la Hache 70083; (800) 231-1514, “This B&B;, about 30 miles south of New Orleans on the Mississippi River, was renovated a few years ago and

is actually the plantation house from the Currier & Ives print

on the label of Southern Comfort. It has a butterfly and hummingbird garden, bayou tours and fishing. There’s also a fabulous restaurant, Spirits, in a deconsecrated Catholic church.” Doubles from $110 per night, including breakfast.


Rick Bubenhofer

Louisville, Ky.

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Angeles, CA 90012; fax (213) 237-7355, e-mail travel@la Please include your name, address and phone number, and also the address, phone number and Internet site of the place or person you are recommending.
