
College Bond Issue: Get Out and Vote

The Community College District is at it again. In 2001, soon after passage of Proposition 39 (which changed the requirement for passage of school bond measures to 55% of the vote), the district put out a ballot initiative in an April election: Proposition A, a $1.2-billion bond issue. Use of “off calendar” elections guaranteed a low voter turnout and a higher likelihood of passage. And it won.

Two years later, they are requesting $980 million in a bond measure on the ballot May 20. After all, it will only cost property owners $11.45 per $100,000 of assessed valuation for the next 30 years, in addition to as much as $25 per $100,000 of assessed valuation over 40 years resulting from the 2001 bond issue.

Folks, it’s time to get out there and vote!

Irwin Greenwald

Woodland Hills
