
He’ll Always Pick On This Kind of Player

As a union member, I was interested to read Bill Plaschke’s March 7 article “Indelible Mark” regarding Angel scab Brendan Donnelly. I am glad he had the courage and veracity to use the word “scab” rather than the more common and sanitized “replacement.”

However, I take issue with Plaschke’s statement, “He crossed the picket line, but he never cost the players money.” When a scab crosses the picket line, it is to get someone’s job, and therefore their money and benefits. If the strike had lasted, he would have “benefited” handsomely.

I was more than a little surprised that the Angels were not aware of Donnelly’s labor record. I have admired the baseball players’ unified labor stance compared to the weak record of the football and basketball players when it comes time to make a stand. They need to be up on their history; that World Series team has a blemish. Former union rep Troy Percival is dead wrong when he says “Who cares about any of this? I support him.” Once a scab, always a scab.


Dean Chantiles

Palm Springs
