
He Generally Manages to Make Everyone Mad

Dear Dan Evans,

Look, I know you’re a professional GM, and you’ve forgotten more about your job than I’ll ever know, but can you at least clue us in on what you’re doing?

In this most promising of off-seasons, where virtually every one of the Dodgers’ offensive needs can be met, what have you done, other than get beat to the punch time and time again?

Raul Ibanez is gone, Derrek Lee is gone, Richie Sexson is gone! Now you had a great opportunity to trade Kevin Brown, free up salary and acquire Nick Johnson. And you got beat by the Expos?


Looks as if 2004 will bring more of the same from the Dodgers.

Kevin Webb

San Bernardino


Pacing the sidelines, ready to pounce like a tiger, Dan Evans is close to finalizing a deal to bolster an anemic Dodger offense.

But wait a minute, the A’s steal Mark Kotsay from the Padres. Nick Johnson is available from the Yankees, but the Expos and their average attendance of 13,000 people a game have scotched that trade with a deal of their own.

Richie Sexson, No. 1 on the Dodger list of desires, is out there, but the Diamondbacks get him.


Oh, well, they can still trade Kevin Brown to the Yankees and sign Vladimir Guerrero in his place. Oh, I forgot, the Yankees just picked up Javier Vazquez from the Expos to bolster their already strong pitching staff.

Oh, well, Mr. Evans, we’ll just wait until next year or the year after next.

Allan Kandel

Los Angeles


Dan Evans should stop worrying about Billy Beane seeking his job and start doing it. Derrek Lee and Richie Sexson have been traded. The Dodgers are apparently not pursuing Todd Walker at second base and Evans has no idea who will be in left field, except that it will not be Brian Jordan.

At his current pace, the Dodgers will again be left filling their many holes with whoever is left. What makes him think Billy Beane needs to campaign?


Richard Lewis

Spokane, Wash.


It was reported that Dan Evans offered Paul Lo Duca and others to the Brewers for Richie Sexson. Now that’s what I call a really smart move. The Dodgers are willing to get rid of the one legitimate hitter who is enough of a team player that he is willing to play anywhere, even if he is hurt.

I guess Evans figures that Todd Hundley can handle the catching. After all, Hundley would provide a better fit in the Dodger offense, since by playing every day he’d probably become the first player in history to bat lower than .000.

Ken Marcus

Los Angeles


Can someone at The Times ask Dan Evans to shop for my wife’s Christmas present? I figure it would go something like this: “I really wanted to get you this Kobe apology-type ring but the store sold out. Then I tried to get you one of those snazzy Lexus SUVs but the dealer insisted on a down payment, so I wound up with something I really think you will like. Enjoy the slippers.”

Ty Visconti

