
Republicans Caught in Gerrymandering Ploy

Re “Colorado Redistricting Plan Illegal, Court Rules,” Dec. 2: I am sick and tired of Republicans who cry foul when the judicial branch actually exercises its constitutional power of judicial review to rein in the excesses of the other branches of government. Though Colorado state Senate President John Andrews claims the court’s ruling is an example of liberal judges gone awry, he can’t conceal the obvious: that the Colorado Republican Party redrew congressional districts for the sole purpose of enlarging its majority in the House of Representatives in order to shut out any opposition to its radical political agenda.

Gerrymandering, particularly in non-census years, is undeniably undemocratic since it eliminates choice for the average voter. I recognize that both Democrats and Republicans employ this tactic, yet lately Republicans seem unrestrained in their use of it, as the cases of Colorado, Texas and Pennsylvania effectively demonstrate.

Brian Randol

San Diego
