
Driver’s License Issue Delayed, Not Denied

Re “Assembly Votes Down License Law,” Dec. 2: Hello, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the repeal of SB 60 was not “a great display of bipartisan cooperation.” It was nothing more than a delaying strategy for the legislators who are determined to serve their masters who benefit from the new slavery of illegal immigration. Mexican President Vicente Fox can relax; the illegal immigrants who send billions of dollars to bail out his corrupt government have allies in California. Hello, taxpayers, keep your initiative petitions handy.

Barbara Vickroy



Nativo Lopez was quoted as saying his groups, the Mexican American Political Assn. and Hermandad Mexicana, were asking people to boycott work, schools and stores to ensure that the illegal immigrants secured their rights. What rights do they have? Are they not criminals for breaking the law by entering the United States illegally?

Robert Lauer

West Hills


A licensed driver in California has passed a written test on the vehicle code and demonstrated a modicum of driving skills to a Department of Motor Vehicles examiner. Automobile insurance is available only to licensed drivers. An unlicensed driver has not shown any knowledge of the vehicle code, has not shown that he or she can drive safely and is uninsured. Would you rather share the road with a licensed or an unlicensed driver?


Michael D. Wiley

Oak Park
