
Hopefuls’ Views Vary Widely on Social Issues

Times Staff Writer

California’s prominent gubernatorial candidates have widely divergent views on a host of social issues like abortion and gay rights, topics that trigger strong sentiments throughout an electorate that is often less engaged with fiscal matters.

In a campaign that has already taken on sharp partisan tones, differences over illegal immigration and gun control could be used to frame the various candidates seeking to replace Gov. Gray Davis -- especially in the crowded GOP field, experts said.

“The question is, ‘How much social liberalism are Republican voters willing to swallow in order to get a Republican in office?’ ” said Raphael Sonenshein, a political science professor at Cal State Fullerton.


According to a survey by The Times, the field is bracketed by Republican state Sen. Tom McClintock on the right and Green Party candidate Peter Camejo and columnist Arianna Huffington on the left, while actor Arnold Schwarzenegger and former baseball commissioner Peter V. Ueberroth, both Republicans, attempt to carve out a middle path and appeal to a cross-section of the electorate. Gov. Gray Davis and Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante, meanwhile, reflect positions backed by many of their Democratic constituents.

By voicing support for some stalwart liberal ideals, such as gay rights and gun control, even as he backs some abortion restrictions, Ueberroth showcased his efforts to pull bipartisan support.

Some of Schwarzenegger’s views remain murky, however. He was the only candidate who balked at responding to every query on a Times questionnaire, refraining from staking out a position on specific gun control legislation or benefits for domestic partners, even though he has expressed support for both in the past. His campaign, which did not respond to the previous Times questionnaire about the state budget, provided answers about the actor’s social views in part by quoting from Schwarzenegger’s public statements.


So far, the movie star has spoken mostly in generalities, touting himself as an independent outsider who will upend the status quo. Schwarzenegger’s reluctance to focus on social matters underscores his attempt to downplay his more liberal social views for anxious Republicans worried about his GOP credentials, Sonenshein said.

In the survey, Schwarzenegger reaffirmed that he backs abortion rights, a position that rankles many conservatives. But he declared he is against a bill that would allow some illegal immigrants to get driver’s licenses, a proposal many Latino leaders have fought to get approved.

That measure has already emerged as a prominent wedge issue. While critics have denounced it as a move that would extend privileges to illegal immigrants, supporters -- including many law enforcement agencies -- say it would make the roads safer by testing all drivers.


Davis angered many Latinos when he did not sign a version of the measure last year. Soon after the recall qualified for the ballot, Davis quickly pledged he would sign the bill, which is currently pending in the state Senate.

“This state is filled with hard-working people who contribute to our economy, bring food to our tables and spend a good deal of time and money here,” Davis wrote in his Times questionnaire. “I believe they must be able to get to and from their jobs safely, every day.”

Camejo, Bustamante, Huffington and Ueberroth agreed, all vowing to sign the bill. Only Schwarzenegger and McClintock said they would veto it.

Proposition 54, an initiative on the Oct. 7 ballot that would ban the state from collecting some racial data, drew mixed responses. McClintock (R-Thousand Oaks) is the only candidate who supports the initiative, saying he does not believe “race should determine how people are treated by their government.” Ueberroth and Schwarzenegger said they remain undecided, while Davis, Bustamante, Camejo and Huffington said they oppose it, arguing that it could impede the state’s effort to track public health and hate crime statistics.

The initiative “is a thinly veiled attempt to allow racial discrimination without leaving a paper trial,” wrote Huffington, running as an independent.

The question of extending broader rights to gay couples exposed the wide ideological swing between the candidates.


McClintock said he is staunchly opposed to legislation that would grant domestic partners many of the rights currently reserved for married couples, calling marriage “a unique institution ... through which we perpetuate our species.”

Camejo vowed to work to pass a law allowing gay marriage. Ueberroth called marriage “a union rightly reserved to a man with a woman,” but he said domestic partners should have the same rights as “other committed couples.”

Huffington stated that she supports same-sex marriages, while Bustamante and Davis simply said they would sign a bill pending in the state Senate that would give domestic partners many of the rights currently reserved for married couples.

Schwarzenegger has expressed support for gay rights in the past, but in response to the questionnaire his campaign said he had not reviewed the bill.

Only McClintock and Ueberroth said they support additional curbs on abortion, which is constitutionally protected in California. McClintock said he is opposed to the so-called partial-birth abortion and to Medi-Cal’s funding of abortions. He said he favors a requirement that a minor’s parents be notified before she has an abortion.

Ueberroth said he also backs requiring minors to obtain parental consent, but he added that “when circumstances mandate that would be the prudent course,” a girl should have the option of speaking with a trained counselor instead. He said he is against “partial-birth” abortion, except to save the life of the mother, but he said Medi-Cal should continue to provide access to contraceptive services and abortions. On the other end of the spectrum, Camejo said “all women must have the inalienable right of control over their own bodies.” Bustamante, Davis, Huffington and Schwarzenegger also expressed support for abortion rights.


Recently passed laws banning guns labeled as assault weapons and limiting the sale of weapons to one a month, among other curbs, drew support from most of the candidates. Huffington said she also would seek to impose a fee on ammunition and use the revenue to offset the costs incurred by trauma centers to treat gunshot victims. Camejo said he would also favor gun licenses.

Bustamante’s campaign said the lieutenant governor “does not believe the state should adopt additional measures until we give existing laws a chance to be evaluated.” Ueberroth said he would not seek to undo the current laws, although he questioned the use of lawsuits against gun makers.

McClintock said he opposed all the measures. “Citizens have an inherent right to self defense that is protected under the 2nd Amendment,” he wrote.

Schwarzenegger, many of whose movies prominently feature the use of automatic weapons, did not respond to the question. Advisor Sean Walsh said the actor is in favor of “sensible gun control,” including a ban on assault weapons. He said he expects Schwarzenegger will address further questions about gun control in the coming weeks.



Candidates answer questions about ...

This is the second series of questions The Times is posing to Gov. Gray Davis and six of the candidates vying to succeed him in the Oct. 7 recall election. Excerpts from their responses follow. These and other questions-and-answers are available at

Q. Do you favor or oppose Proposition 54, which would bar the state from gathering data on racial classifications?


Gov. Gray Davis (D)

I oppose Proposition 54. Prop. 54 will eliminate important data on student achievement and jeopardize our ability to collect data on diseases that we need to protect the public health.

State Sen. Tom McClintock (R)

I wholeheartedly support Proposition 54. I do not believe that race should determine how people are treated by their government.

Arnold Schwarzenegger (R)

I’m looking at that right now. My indication is not to change the way things are.

Peter V. Ueberroth (R)

No position. I intend to meet with both the proponents and opponents of the initiative and will announce a decision before the election.

Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante (D) *

Opposes the initiative.

Arianna Huffington (I)

I strongly oppose Proposition 54. It is bad for health care, bad for education, bad for public policy. Prop. 54 is a thinly veiled attempt to allow racial discrimination without leaving a paper trail.

Peter Camejo (Green)

I strongly oppose Prop. 54. This initiative would damage our ability to address disparities by race or ethnicity in health care, education and hate crimes and discrimination.


Q. The Legislature currently is considering a bill that would allow certain illegal immigrants living in California to have driver’s licenses. As governor, would you sign such legislation, or would you veto it?


Gov. Gray Davis (D)

I will sign that legislation. By providing training, testing and licensing to all California drivers, this bill will make our roadways safer.

State Sen. Tom McClintock (R)

Veto it. I have led opposition to this measure in the Senate. This bill would place valid state identification documents in the hands of illegal immigrants in order to undermine enforcement of our immigration laws.

Arnold Schwarzenegger (R)

A spokesman said he does not support driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants.

Peter V. Ueberroth (R)

Would sign the legislation. I support the issuance of California driver’s licenses to all qualified motorists, regardless of their residency status, to encourage people to learn and master the rules of the road, and to allow them to purchase automobile insurance.

Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante (D) *

Would sign the legislation.

Arianna Huffington (I)

I would sign it without hesitation.

Peter Camejo (Green)

I would sign this bill. I think that people who are living here, who are working should not be denied this status. It is also a safety issue -- everyone who is driving on our highways needs to pass the required driving tests -- so this bill would help increase public safety.


Q. The Assembly has passed and the state Senate is considering legislation that would give registered domestic partners many of the rights currently reserved to married couples. As governor, would you sign such legislation, or would you veto it?

Gov. Gray Davis (D)

I will sign this legislation. As governor, I will continue to do everything in my power to honor the dignity, humanity and privacy of every Californian regardless of their ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation.


State Sen. Tom McClintock (R)

Veto it. Marriage is a unique institution forming the foundation of our society through which we perpetuate our species and inculcate our young with the principles and values of our civilization.

Arnold Schwarzenegger (R)

We have not reviewed this legislation.

Peter V. Ueberroth (R)

Would sign the bill. While I believe that marriage is a union rightly reserved to a man with a woman, domestic partners should not be denied the same rights as other committed couples.

Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante (D) *

Would sign the bill.

Arianna Huffington (I)

I support same-sex unions with full rights. I believe the equal protection clause of the Constitution applies to everyone and that the rights and privileges of marriage should not be denied to same-sex couples.

Peter Camejo (Green)

Yes, I would sign this legislation. The law must be revised to end all forms of gender discrimination, and this bill would be a step in that direction.


Q. Do you favor additional restrictions on abortion in California? If so, what restrictions would you support? Would you support legislation to require female minors to notify one or both parents before having an abortion? What is your personal position on whether Medi-Cal should continue to pay for abortions?

Gov. Gray Davis (D)

I do not favor any additional restrictions on a woman’s right to choose. I trust the young women of California and their doctors to make the right decision in these matters. I support Medi-Cal funding for reproductive health care.


State Sen. Tom McClintock (R)

BTD I am opposed to “partial birth” abortion, wherein the infant is killed during the delivery process; I support parental notification for abortions involving minors, and I do not believe that government funds should support the practice.

Arnold Schwarzenegger (R)

I’m for choice. The women should have the choice.

Peter V. Ueberroth (R)

I support requiring female minors to obtain the consent of parents before having an abortion, except in cases of incest or sexual assault. I support banning “partial-birth” abortion, except to save the life of the mother. Medi-Cal should provide access to abortions.

Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante (D) *

Does not favor additional restrictions on abortion. He would not support legislation requiring parental notification. He does support Medi-Cal funding of abortions.

Arianna Huffington (I)

I strongly support a woman’s right to choose. As governor, I will oppose any additional restrictions that jeopardize safe abortions in California, and would ensure that Medi-Cal continues to pay for them.

Peter Camejo (Green)

No, I do not favor additional restrictions on abortion or a notification requirement for minors. Also, I believe that Medi-Cal should continue to pay for abortions.


Q. California has enacted several gun control measures, including laws to ban guns labeled as assault weapons, new restrictions on inexpensive handguns, a one-gun-per-month limit on purchases and a measure allowing consumers to sue gun makers for negligent sale of weapons. Do you favor or oppose those measures? What additional measures would you support, if any?


Gov. Gray Davis (D)

I am proud to have signed legislation giving California the toughest gun safety laws in the nation. I recently announced my support for three bills that will help further protect public safety: SB226, SB255 and SB824.

State Sen. Tom McClintock (R)

I oppose these measures. I believe that citizens have an inherent right to self defense that is protected under the 2nd Amendment.

Arnold Schwarzenegger (R)

Declined to respond.

Peter V. Ueberroth (R)

BTD I will not advocate undoing these measures. I question the legitimacy of lawsuits against the producers of legal products not proven defective or sold under fraudulent pretenses. I will not advocate new gun control measures unless presented persuasive evidence by law enforcement.

Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante (D) *

BTD Supports the existing legislation, and does not believe the state should adopt additional measures until existing laws have a chance to be evaluated.

Arianna Huffington (I)

I strongly favor these gun control measures. In addition, I support imposing a fee on every unit of ammunition sold in California with the revenue generated being used to offset some of the costs incurred by trauma centers and emergency rooms in treating gunshot wounds.

Peter Camejo (Green)

While I currently support the 2nd Amendment, I favor carefully regulating guns. I would support the measures listed. In addition, similar to the licensing which is required to drive a car, I would support a license to own a gun.


*Answers were submitted by campaign spokesman.
