
Message to Adande: One Plaschke Is Enough

What is it about Los Angeles Times sportswriters that gives them this uncontrollable urge to turn into social critics? First we have Bill Plaschke lecturing Tiger Woods on what he should be doing to support Martha Burk.

Now comes J.A. Adande ranting about CBS concentrating on the Masters golf tournament instead of breaking in to give news flashes about the war in Iraq and coverage of Martha Burk’s failed protest demonstration. (“Too Bad CBS Coverage Stayed the Course,” April 13).

As a journalist, Mr. Adande should have known that when Jesse Jackson announced he was not going to Augusta he gave a clear signal that the protest would be a nonevent.


Ross Barrett

Los Angeles

J.A. Adande doesn’t get it. CBS’ and Augusta National’s action was the ultimate expression of our freedom. CBS and Augusta had the freedom to show what they wanted to do. The American public had the freedom of choice: Watching all of the great golf or switch to viewing other events of the world, offered by scores of stations.

Everybody won.

Freeman Gosden Jr.

Los Angeles

J.A. Adande was so far off the mark, it was almost funny. The reason most people watch sports is for the diversion from the stress of everyday events. If I want a war update, I can click over to CNN and get 15 minutes of news rehashed ad infinitum. I found this year’s commercial-free Master’s a breath of fresh air.

Donald J. Prado

