
No Charity Allowed for Winona Ryder

Thank God Deputy Dist. Atty. Ann Rundle is vigorously protecting the public interest by keeping Winona Ryder from auctioning off the Sax Fifth Avenue items for charity (“What to Do With Ryder’s Saks Loot?” April 8). That “crime does pay” message would doubtless send dozens of starlets on shoplifting rampages, after which they could enjoy lengthy, expensive and embarrassing trials and then giddily rack up the enormous tax benefits afforded by a $5,500 charitable donation.

I think Rundle has proven she can be as tough on Academy Award-nominated actresses as the next prosecutor -- and all of us will think twice before swiping $200 tube socks. That having been accomplished, perhaps Rundle could let some nice charity make a few bucks, and move on.

Laura O’Hare

Los Angeles
