
What does it mean to be cool?

I had to laugh out loud at the juxtaposition of the two stories about current clubs (“No Backing Into Nacional,” by Maria Elena Fernandez, and “In Days Gone By,” by Adam Bregman, April 3).

Here’s the contempt of the manager of Paladar toward his clientele, who try to enter this monument to “hipness” through a show of creative punk-rock imagination, thereby circumventing the obligatory groveling to get in to spend their money. They are being denied the chance to stand around posing and giving lots of money to people who refer to them as vermin. Charming.

And then there is the Eternal Divine Miss Vaginal Davis, who has proven over the years that she does have what it takes to throw a party and have a good time. Long may Bricktops (and the attitude that all it takes is $5 and respect for your community) shine. Her old-school imagination, creativity and feeling that a club is an interactive affair are evident.


Sadie Carmen Weezil

Los Angeles
