
Compound Puts a Price on Security


This two-home compound in the hills above Sunset Strip is owned by Al Corbi, who was a housing designer for the U.S. Justice Department for more than 23 years. He has built secure homes for high-profile individuals all over the world.

The panic-room expert built this compound for himself, his wife and their extended family. The main house includes a three-bedroom, 2,000-square-foot apartment. There is also a second, smaller home.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Oct. 5, 2002 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Saturday October 05, 2002 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 9 inches; 332 words Type of Material: Correction
“Home of the Week”--What was called a “heliport” in the description of a compound featured in the Real Estate section on Sunday is an emergency landing pad only.
For The Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday October 13, 2002 Home Edition Real Estate Part K Page 4 Features Desk 2 inches; 72 words Type of Material: Correction
Helicopter pad--What was called a “heliport” in the description of a compound featured in Home of the Week on Sept. 29 is an emergency landing pad only.

About this home: The compound has dramatic city-to-ocean views.

Asking price: The property can be sold as a compound or as separate homes: $9.2 million as a compound or $6.25 million for the main house and $2.95 million for the second house.


Size: The larger home has six bedrooms, a maid’s quarters and eight bathrooms in almost 11,000 square feet. The smaller home has three bedrooms, a maid’s quarters and six bathrooms in 6,315 square feet. The lot is just under half an acre.

Features: The larger home has a handicap-accessible apartment, a theater, two offices, a gym, an elevator, a wine cellar, a rooftop barbecue and spa, and a four-car garage. It has a heliport on the roof. The second home has a three-car garage, an indoor, rooftop recreation room and two patios.

Security features include a bullet-resistant core in the main house and a panic room.

Where: Above Sunset Plaza, overlooking the Sunset Strip

Contact: Ernie Carswell, Coldwell Banker in Beverly Hills, (310) 777-6244, and Dorene Martin, Coldwell Banker in Studio City, (818) 528-2215.



To submit a candidate for Home of the Week, please send color interior and exterior photos (copies only, please; we cannot return the pictures) and a brief description of the house, including what makes the property unusual, to Ruth Ryon, Real Estate Section, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012; or e-mail [email protected].
