
Choose the Best Man for Chief of the LAPD

Re “L.A. Badge Outshines N.Y. Flash,” Commentary, Sept. 26: Former LAPD detective and current author Joseph Wambaugh would like readers to believe that if Mayor James Hahn does not select Art Lopez as the LAPD chief, a negative message would be sent to the rank and file, especially the Latinos on the force.

To avoid any negative messages, Hahn needs to select the best qualified candidate regardless of ethnicity.

Barry P. Resnick



So Wambaugh slams the outsiders? Well, in the military the guy at the top is a general, and that means that generals take over divisions no matter where the general is from or where the division is located, because a general is a generalist, not a specialist. And that is how I see the police chief thing. I’d rather have an outsider with a new perspective and different ideas than an insider with more of the same.


And besides, John Timoney knows how to do it right, coming to L.A. and eating enchiladas (“Rivals for Police Chief’s Job Pal Around in Los Angeles,” Sept. 26). Well, I’ve never had a salmon enchilada, but close enough.

Jim Moran

Santa Fe Springs
