
Laguna ‘Artist’ Makes Waves Over ‘Breakers’

Re “The Artists Decide to Punt,” Sept. 18:

As a former Laguna Beach High School “artist” (class of 1967), it was with dismay that I received the news of the school name change to the “Breakers.” I know I am not alone among Laguna Beach High alumni in wondering just where the current student body and administration get off deciding to make this change without any input from the thousands of graduates of the last 65-plus years?

It is true the moniker connoted neither prowess nor intimidation, but it was our moniker, darn it! It was unique. And contrary to your assertion that the Artists “seldom won,” that name presided over many winning football, water polo, baseball, basketball, track, tennis and other teams.

Check the records. Why, I’m so mad about this, I just may have to get creative and go out and paint something ... like a seascape ... on a flat day ... without breakers!


Jim White

Lake Forest
