
To the editor:While I appreciate the attention...

To the editor:

While I appreciate the attention given to my book, “All Girls: Single-Sex Education and Why It Matters” (Book Review, Sept. 8), I would like to correct an error that led the reviewer to suggest a conflict of interest on my part. She writes that at “the end of that year” of research I “had enrolled [my] own daughter at Marlborough.” In fact, we did not even apply to Marlborough until two years later, for entrance into the class that began three years after I undertook my research. The manuscript was out of my hands before notification letters went out, and no one at Marborough read the book until just before its publication on Aug. 26: I did not want the school’s decision to in any way affect what I wrote, or for my work to influence that decision.

Had I found Marlborough to be anything less than it was, had I discovered the problems the reviewer implies I left out, then I would have written a different book, and we would have sent our daughter to another school. Should she be penalized because I found that Marlborough did, in fact, offer a supportive and dynamic environment?

Karen Stabiner

Los Angeles
