

Key: Won--Gray background; Lost--White; Didn’t play--Black

-- Jay Christensen

*--* 1 OKLAHOMA 8-1 Lost at Texas A&M;, 30-26 BCS: No. 1 The licens e plates may say Oklaho ma is OK, but that’s simply not the case as team Stoops to a new low agains t a medioc re oppone nt. Next:. at Baylor , 2 MIAMI 9-0 Won at Tennessee, 26-3 BCS: No. 3 Hurric anes needed to prop up their bowl champi onship series standi ng and found plenty of Volunt eers willin g to lend a hand in Knoxvi lle. Next: Pittsb urgh, Nov. 21 3 OHIO STATE 11-0 Won at Purdue, 10-6 BCS: No. 2 Fraud invest igativ e team discov ers that Buckey es play nine of their 13 games in Ohio. Outsid e of state lines, they don’t look so rough and tough. Next: at Illino is, Saturd ay 4 TEXAS 9-1 Defeated Baylor , 41-0 BCS: No. 4 Mack Brown says it’s an injust ice that Kevin Steele has been fired at Baylor . Of course , Longho rns have outsco red Bears, 200-24 , in last four meetin gs. Next: at Texas Tech, Saturd ay 5 WASHINGTON STATE 9-1 Defeated No. 15 Oregon, 32-21 BCS: No. 5 Washin gton State- Ohio State II is a possib ility in the Rose Bowl. Well, any excuse to load up the pickup and get out of Pullma n can’t be all bad. Next: Washin gton, Nov. 23 6 IOWA 10-1 Defeated Northwestern, 62-10 BCS: No. 8 Ladies and gentle men, quarte rback Brad Banks has just pulled out a Sharpi e and etched his name on the Heisma n trophy ballot . Next: at Minnes ota, Saturd ay 7 GEORGIA 9-1 Defeated Mississippi, 31-17 BCS: No. 6 Big Boss Man: Georgi a lineba cker Boss Bailey , a Lombar di and Butkus award candid ate, left the game after sprain ing his right knee. Next: at Auburn , Saturd ay 8 VIRGINIA TECH 8-2 Lost at Syracuse, 50-42 (3 OTs) BCS: No. 10 Univer sity is planni ng a canned food drive for West Virgin ia game, with goal of 65,115 cans of food. Slumpi ng team also hungry for a victor y. Next: West Virgin ia, Nov. 20 9 NOTRE DAME 9-1 Won at Navy, 30-23 BCS: No. 7 Fighti ng Irish storme d to 9-7 halfti me lead by poundi ng out 36 rushin g yards and seven first downs. Cowabu nga, dude! Next: Rutger s, Nov. 23 10 USC 7-2 Won at Stanford, 49-17 BCS: No. 9 Men of Troy can all but forget about the Rose Bowl, but we hear El Paso is rather nice around the end of Decemb er. Next: Arizon a State, Saturd ay 11 ALABAMA 8-2 Defeated Mississippi State, 28-14 Offici als rejoic ed when they heard Tyler Watts was coming to campus , mistak enly thinki ng all univer sity buildi ngs would have electr icity. Next: at No. 16 Louisi ana State, Saturd ay 12 KANSAS STATE 8-2 Defeated No. 21 Iowa St., 58-7 BCS: No. 15 This is the result one would expect when you bring the countr y folk (Cyclo nes) and put them on the big stage of Manhat tan. Next: Nebras ka, Saturd ay 13 MICHIGAN 7-3 Won at Minnesota, 41-24 BCS: No. 11 Battle for Little Brown Jug starte d in 1903 when Coach Fieldi ng Yost ordere d the purcha se of a jug to ensure purity of Wolver ines’ sideli ne water. Next: Wiscon sin, Saturd ay 14 NORTH CAROLINA STATE 9-2 Lost at Maryland, 24-21 BCS: No. 12 Wolfpa ck fading fast. After severa l visits to the bakery to bulk up on a creamp uff schedu le, realit y has set in. Next: at Virgin ia, Saturd ay 15 OREGON 7-3 Lost at No. 5 Washington State, 32-21 Oregon ‘s ammo was that it belong ed among the nation ‘s elite progra ms, but elite progra ms don’t rebuil d, they reload . They’r e low on ammo in Eugene . Next: Washin gton, Saturd ay 16 LOUISIANA STATE 7-2 Defeated Kentucky, 33-30 Just in the Nick of time: Saban reache s into his bag of tricks to remind Kentuc ky that it is a basket ball school . Next: No. 11 Alabam a, Saturd ay 17 FLORIDA STATE 7-3 Won at Georgia Tech, 21-13 BCS: No. 13 Forget Webste r’s new world dictio nary. Bowden plans to issue his own versio n, which includ es such poetic gems as “bumfu zzled. “ Next: North Caroli na, Saturd ay 18 COLORADO 7-3 Won at Missouri, 42-35 (OT) At least this time the Buffal oes didn’t need five downs to defeat those pesky Tigers at Faurot Field. Next: No. 21 Iowa State, Saturd ay 19 PENN STATE 7-3 Defeated Virginia, 35-14 Genera l Mills: Nittan y Lion quarte rback Zack Mills eclips es 200 passin g yards for first time in a month. Next: at Indian a, Saturd ay 20 BOWLING GREEN 8-1 Lost at Northern Illinois, 26-17 Thanks for stoppi ng by, Falcon s. More than likely , Coach Urban Meyer to be lookin g for the first train out of the Mid-Am erican Confer ence. Next: at South Florid a, Saturd ay 21 IOWA STATE 7-4 Lost at No. 12 Kansas State, 58-7 Just put yourse lf in the Cyclon es’ positi on: Losing 58-7 is bad enough , now you have to go back home to Ames. Next: at No. 18 Colora do, Saturd ay 22 PITTSBURGH 8-2 Defeated Temple, 29-22 This was going to be a proble matic game for the Panthe rs any way you looked at it becaus e it came betwee n trips to Virgin ia Tech and Miami. Next: at No. 1 Miami, Nov. 21 23 FLORIDA 7-3 Won at Vanderbilt, 21-17 BCS: No. 14 Fun and gun? The Gators were held to only 149 yards in the second half by the Commod ores, ranked 97th nation ally in defens e. Next: South Caroli na, Saturd ay 24 COLORADO STATE 8-2 Did not play That guy pullin g up to a Fort Collin s bank in a Brink’ s truck was none other than Sonny Lubick , who signed a new contra ct last week. Next: at San Diego State, Nov. 16 25 ARIZONA STATE 7-4 Lost to California, 55-38 Quarte rback Andrew Walter put up big number s again, but the proble m was that the Sun Devil defens e gave up big number s again. Next: at No. 10 USC, Saturd ay

