
School District Used Fuzzy Math With Raises

Re “Disputed Figures Add to Orange Teacher Tensions,” Letters, April 28:

David J. Smollar, director of communications for the Capistrano Unified School District, cites last year’s 13% “raise” in his letter to the editor. The 13% raise was for half a year, effectively a 10% raise for the year. The district’s health program costs to teachers who continued in preferred provider programs increased, accounting for another 5% of the 13% “raise.” Smollar cites top salaries in the district at $81,000 or more. The published salary schedule shows that any teacher making more than the “maximum” must work extra hours.

Using fuzzy math to compute raises and failing to indicate that those who make more must work extra hours are misleading. The result of this sort of communication is an advanced “we-they” mentality among the teachers.

By the way, congratulations are in order for Capistrano teachers, who led the district to six Distinguished School Awards this year--a record.


Jim Corbett

San Clemente
