
Tiny Baja Crabby Peppers


Sweet mini-peppers are great for stuffing and make for eye-appealing hors d’oeuvres. You won’t need extra garnishes.

You’ll find the peppers in the produce section of warehouse stores. Or, substitute larger Hungarian green peppers, found at most grocery stores and farmers markets. Just cut them into strips before filling.

The light-tasting crab stuffing comes together quickly and can be made ahead. Or, make the entire appetizer ahead: Stuff the peppers, arrange them on a platter, then cover and chill until serving time.



Baja Crab-Stuffed Peppers

Active Work Time: 20 minutes * Total Preparation Time: 30 minutes

1/4 pound cooked crab meat

1 tablespoon minced green onion

1/4 cup minced cucumber

1/4 cup minced avocado

1/4 cup chopped tomato

2 tablespoons chopped cilantro

1 tablespoon lime juice

1/2 teaspoon olive oil

1/4 teaspoon ground cumin


Dash cayenne pepper

24 sweet mini-peppers

Cilantro leaves

Combine the crab, green onion, cucumber, avocado, tomato, chopped cilantro, lime juice, olive oil, cumin, salt and cayenne pepper to taste in a mixing bowl.

Cut the peppers in half and remove the seeds. Spoon the crab mixture into the pepper halves. Arrange on a serving platter and garnish with cilantro leaves.

48 peppers. Each pepper: 7 calories; 32 mg sodium; 1 mg cholesterol; 0 fat; 0 saturated fat; 1 gram carbohydrates; 1 gram protein; 0.23 gram fiber.



Place mat from Sur La Table stores.
