
Discovering the BellRays

Some interesting lines in Steve Hochman’s write-up on the BellRays (Pop Eye, June 9). Has Alan McGee done it again? Yes, thanks to Alan, we can finally discover the BellRays.

Come on. The BellRays have won best local band awards from both the LA Weekly critics poll and the New Times readers poll.

They have been a headlining act in Los Angeles for five years. They have toured the United States as club headliners for, I dunno, three or four years at least. Now, McGee talks it up and we all bow to the East.


Whatever the case, they’re a great band and I hope they burst through to mainstream consciousness, because the mainstream could use just such a kick. If they succeed, however, it would be sad if McGee gets the big pat on the back as if the wave of his hand made it all so.


