
Pretty, Tough Spoons

These new French cooking spoons are practical and attractive. They are made of a heat-resistant combination of polyamid and composite fiberglass and can withstand temperatures up to 430 degrees. They are also dishwasher-proof and will not stain or retain odors as wooden spoons do. They come in red, white, yellow, blue and beige.

Matfer Exoglass spoons, $5.25 each from Surfas, 8825 National Blvd., Culver City. (310) 559-4770.

Scones in a Flash

Sticky Fingers Bakery owner Ted Vogelman says the mix for these instant scones comes from his English mother. They’re rich and biscuit-like, and you can stir them up on a minute’s notice--just add water, stir and bake. Drop them free-form to make individual scones or spoon them into a 9-inch pie plate and cut them into wedges. Choose from apple cinnamon, original, wild blueberry, lemon poppy seed, black currant, cranberry, cocoa-chocolate chip, banana walnut, tart cherry, garden herb, raspberry, pumpkin-cranberry, apricot and lemon-ginger.


Sticky Fingers Bakeries English Scones, 15-ounce bag, $4.95, from Cost Plus, Whole Foods and Wild Oats markets.

Donna Deane
