
A Steadier Place to Slice

Keep the Toast at the Ready

The Butter Bell crock is an age-old European way of storing butter at room temperature so it is creamy and easy to spread. Fill the base of the crock with cold water, pack a stick of butter into the top of the bell-shaped lid and put the lid into the crock; the water will create a seal. Water should be changed every three days.

Butter Bell crock, $17.95-$21.95, from Sur la Table stores, or order on the Internet at, or call (888) 575-1900.


Small cutting boards tend to slip and slide around when you’re using them. But the new “Gripper” cutting board has small rubber “grippers” on the bottom that help hold it to the counter. The cutting board, made of plastic, is dishwasher-safe and comes in bright colors.


The “Gripper” cutting board comes in two sizes: 11x14 inches, $14.99, and 8x11 inches, $7.99, both in orange, green or blue, from Linens ‘n Things stores; Koontz Hardware, 8914 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood, (310) 652-0123; and, on the Internet at or call (800) 663-8810.

Donna Deane
