
Standing Up for Liberals

After reading Steve Carney’s puff piece on Sean Hannity (“Sean Hannity Rushes In,” Jan. 4), it’s clear the future of Los Angeles talk radio is looking mighty grim. I am so tired of listening to these blowhards, from the holier-than-thou Dennis Prager (KRLA), who seems to have a direct line to God, to that libertarian-in-conservative-clothing Larry Elder (KABC).

These and other local talk show hosts have built a career on bashing liberals. If you listen to them on a regular basis, you would be surprised to learn that we liberals are responsible for most of the ills of the world: the sagging economy, the moral decay of society, the breakup of the nuclear family, etc.

I challenge Hannity, Prager and Elder to dispense with the liberal bashing for one program--just one--and devote it instead to the contributions liberals have made to the advancement of Western civilization. You know, little things like the New Deal, civil rights, women’s liberation, AIDS funding and education and the end of America’s involvement in Vietnam.



Los Angeles
